Thursday, June 5, 2008

Click 6 - Golden Gate

This picture was taken during our trip to San Francisco. This is the famous Golden Gate Bridge. This shall always bring back memories of the awesome bay cruise

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stroke 3 - Baby

A Sketch by my friend. The face looks so real.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Click - 5 Autumn Leaf

This picture was taken during the autumn in Atlanta. The red with the background of the fallen yellow leaves looked captivating to me.

Click 4 - The Air Plane

This photo is an attempt to capture the airplane which was flying close as we were driving. Hmmm...I should get closer shots of these flying machines ....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Click 3 - Upside-Down

This photo is of a tree outside our house taken while looking at the sky. I like the painting like feeling of this picture

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stroke 2 - Landscape

This painting was inspired by a tutorial on how to draw trees. At the finish of the painting I think i like the way the lone tree has come out and the gradations of black blue green and yellow on the horizon.

Stroke 1 - Adi Shankara

Adi Shankaracharya was the first philosopher to consolidate the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta, a sub-school of Vedanta. His teachings are based on the unity of the soul and the Brahman. He is regaded as a Guru amongst the Smarthas. My tribute to him through this painting.

Click 2 - Yearning

I like this picture for the blue hues and the way slender branches move up yearningly to touch the sky. It makes me feel like I should capture this in watercolour too. This was taken from the moonroof of our car while parked in our apartment complex

Click 1 - First Snow

This is a snow scene from our balcony. It may not be the best one but I could not resist capturing the first snow I have seen on celluloid. It was a marvel watching the snow fall like white cotton candy. It amazes me how the heavy ice can fall so smoothly softly and gracefully